Published onMarch 22, 2022Background job processing with rust using actix and redisrustactixredisapalisLets learn how to process background jobs by writing a service that sends emails without blocking.
Published onApril 4, 2021Simple authentication with actix-webactixrustauthenticationLearn how to painlesly apply authentication to your actix-web project
Published onJanuary 31, 2021Python: The F#%K It ApproachpythonerrorsBut what do you do in those times where it proves difficult to approach things rationally in the now and then?
Published onDecember 11, 2017Python: Writing the perfect Tribonacci sequencepythonmemoizeTribonacci calculations without a maximum recussion error
Published onAugust 12, 2015Creating a simple beautiful tab design with no JavaScriptcss3javascriptuiLets create Css3 based tabs without Javascript. These tabs will include an icon and are responsive.